Why a KeySafe will make your life easier [Giveaway]

A Keysafe is something that you never really you need until you get one. Especially when your husband is as forgetful as mine is, often forgetting his keys or losing them all together. This once resulted in him breaking the glass in our front door (at the time it was an old style one that wasn’t double glazed, thankfully!)  to let himself in! He has also once locked the door from inside and left the key inside which meant I couldn’t let myself in when I got back late at night. This resulted in me flinging things at the bedroom window to no avail, and eventually two very nice railway workers who were working on the level crossing 20 feet away using their car to clamber up on to our balcony to bang on his bedroom window – a rude awakening if ever their was one! Anyway, these (and many other forgotten key situations!)  could have been avoided with the addition of a key safe!

Sam installed the Supra P500 KeySafe on the front of our new house so now all we need to remember is a 4 digit code and we get access to our key in the event one of us forgets it! We’ve also swapped to an internal thumb-turn so nobody can leave the key in the back of the door either! Installation took 15 minutes, and we already had the 5mm drill bit and power drill that was needed. KeySafe do offer an installation service though for anyone who may not be able to install a Key Safe properly themselves, which can be booked at the same time as purchasing the safe.

Where should you install a KeySafe?

You can install a KeySafe on any external wall, but a brick or concrete base is best – with no wall plugs required. We chose to install ours tucked behind the concrete windowsill of our bay window so it is close to the front door, but not immediately obvious if you are walking past the house, or even up the path.  They can be installed as openly or as hidden away as you choose.

Why Should you use a KeySafe?

  • Great for forgetful people!
  • If you have someone in your family who needs regular carers or medical visits then a KeySafe can be a great way for them to always have access.
  • Perfect for cleaners/dog walkers/contractors and other people who need temporary access to your home.
  • If you rent out your property on short term lets (like Air BnB) you can set up a new code and have the key ready for the renters without needing to be there in person.
  • For us if we’re on a day out and are going to get back later than planned for some reason we can ask a neighbour to pop in and feed the cats/turn the lights on etc
  • We have a Ring doorbell, so could give the code in real time to a delivery driver to put a parcel inside the front door if it was particularly important or expensive.
  • Saves money on getting lots of keys copied – people can use the same one from your KeySafe.


Why is the Supra P500 KeySafe so good?

  • It is covered by a 5 year guarantee
  • Has a weather cover to protect from the elements and shields the key pad from view
  • Has police accreditation and is this approval is recognised by Secured By Design, as well as by leading home insurance companies.
  • Can store up to 6 keys (size depending)
  • Over 4000 code combinations
  • Easy to change the code yourself, with the anti tamper key – so nobody else can change it

Win the Supra P500 KeySafe worth £78

KeySafe have offered someone a chance to win a P500 Supra KeySafe, so for your chance to enter complete the actions below.

T&Cs: see full T&Cs in widget, and note that installation is NOT included in the prize. Uk entrants only. Giveaway ends 08 August, 2021 at 11:59PM BST.


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