Travel: What to be wary of as an active tourist

There’s no question that travelling is becoming increasingly popular – if you’re not jetting off across the globe anytime soon, you’ll definitely know someone who is. With that being said, there are plenty of things to be wary of amidst the uninhabited fun of exploring the world, especially if you’re planning more of an active, adventurous holiday. Here are just some of them.

The opportunists and thieves you might encounter

Wherever you are in the world, there are bound to be opportunists who try to take things from you. Whether you’re hiking a famous trail, hiring a bike, or simply making your way through a big city, you’ll need to be constantly vigilant of your belongings.

There are plenty of ways to avoid this happening to you – don’t showcase your valuables in public, especially in busy areas. You’ll stand out as an easy target. If you’re planning to take part in an adrenaline-fuelled activity such as a bungee jump, where you’ll need to put your belongings aside, make sure there are secure lockers you can use. It’ll give you peace of mind and means you can concentrate on having fun.

If you are robbed, you’ll need to know what to do in the immediate aftermath. To be able to make a claim, for example, you’ll have to report the crime within 24 hours of it happening, so make sure you take out a travel insurance policy and keep the details somewhere safe. 28% of people fail to protect themselves on holiday, but it’s just not worth the risk.

The accommodation you choose

If keeping active on your trip is important to you, make sure you check what kind of facilities your accommodation has. For some people, a gym is a must-have, while others are happy to go for a run in the local park. You could even do exercises with your own bodyweight in your room if there’s enough space and privacy.

The transport

Often, the best way to explore a new place is to get out on foot and see what you can find. Not only will you be able to get a good sense of the atmosphere, but you’ll be able to see where the locals go and get some exercise at the same time. However, even the most active tourist needs some downtime, and sometimes an attraction will be too far away to walk to. So how should you get around?

It depends on the place. Some areas have excellent public transport, while others are less safe; always do your research. For example, tuk-tuk rides or cart rides through cities such as Delhi and Bangkok look fun at first, but they can also be very dangerous.

As a general rule, be very careful when approaching taxi drivers. As soon as they notice you’re a tourist, you run the risk of being overcharged for your journey – it’s just one of the common travel tricks you should be aware of. Drivers sometimes turn off their meters so you have no idea how much you actually should be paying, and prices can become extortionate.

The countless ways to risk losing money

Opportunistic taxi drivers aren’t the only way you could lose money when travelling. Markets are another hotspot for scams against tourists – you’re going to want to know how to haggle effectively in order to avoid overpaying for things.

And that isn’t the only thing to watch out for. If you enjoy being active while you’re travelling, make sure you book your activities with reputable, trustworthy firms that have the right safety regulations in place.

Bear these tips in mind and you’ll be in for a safe and enjoyable trip.


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