Scrapbook Loves Feb & March 2021

It’s another two-month favourites post from me. Life is so hectic at the moment that my blog has taken a back seat whilst we sort the move, work and moving schools, plus kids learning at home and then the Easter holidays. Anyway, here we are, a little run down of what I’ve been loving recently.

What I read in February & March

It looks like I only read two books in February and three in March which is not like me at all but most of my month has been dealing with various house selling/buying stress, kids school work, my own work and also scrolling on tik tok, the biggest time consumer ever…

Anyway I read The Cousins by Karen M McManus, which was pretty good, a teen mystery type of thing and I didn’t get the twist till it happened which I love. The Fact of a Body is pretty weird, it’s a murder and a family memoir mixed together – it also deals with sexual assault of minors so not really an easy read. Hadley & Grace I really enjoyed – two women go on the run together with their kids, even though they’ve never met before.

What I watched

We’ve shot through Bullet Proof (Sky/NowTV) and started Your Honour, which is pretty gritty and a bit depressing so we only watch one episode at a time. We also started watching Sons of Anarchy which is AMAZING – criminals, motorbikes, violence and a bit of family drama thrown in, loving it and so pleased there are seven seasons!

Finally OF COURSE we have been watching Line of Duty each week – last night’s was really really tense, I hope the rest of the season is as exciting!

What I listened to

Kids arguing, teachers teaching maths via zoom, the pigeons who live under next doors flat roof making pigeon noises, the cat meowing (did you know cats only meow at people, not at other cats?) Arlo’s eclectic tastes in music videos on YouTube, Athena talking to her friends on house-party….

What  I made

Cross stitch! I started off with the Sloth then the hand and then the mystic eye. I have lots more planned but I’m waiting till we’ve moved. I’ll also put these three in frames and put them on the wall too at some point!

What I wore this month

Nothing special, I had to buy a pair of jeans in the next size up because of all the ‘lockdown pounds’ I’ve put on. Ce la vie eh.

What I loved this month

Two things actually, both were sent to review if we liked them and boy did we like them! The first one is a water filter jug by Zero Water – which has been a game changer for us as we live in a hard water area. We have a glass kettle that scales up within a day, so I was descaling it weekly which was a right faff. With the Zero Water jug we were using it to refill the kettle as well as for drinking water and it has made such a difference – no more residue floating on the top of my cup of tea and no more descaling of the kettle! Tea and coffee tastes much, MUCH better and our water bottles aren’t getting the same building inside as they used to either.

The jug we were sent has a tap on the bottom so you can easily use it in the fridge/counter top to fill a glass, which means the kids can help themselves without having to lift the jug. There is also a water monitor included so you can test the water quality before and during use – ours was a whopping 342 out of the tap and I can confirm it was ‘zero’ water after it had been filtered. You can find out more about what’s in water that needs removing, and purchase jugs in various sizes on the website, and also on Amazon.

The other thing that has been pretty amazing for us during the dark evenings is the BenQ smart desk lamp, and we argue over who gets to use it of an evening! I love it for reading, cross stitching and working on my laptop and Sam uses it for painting his models, which are tiny and fiddly. It’s a touch on/off lamp with both warm and cool tones and adjustable brightness. You can also angle it perfectly for whatever you’re doing, and it looks really stylish too. Ours is in metallic pink but it comes in gold, silver and blue also. It’s really flexible you can have it practically upright to use a small floor light too, it’s so versatile – plus there is a smaller version you can use solely as a desk lamp. You can get both on Amazon.

What I loathed this month

The whole house buying/selling process – it just drags out forever. It’s stressful, but when you’re selling a leasehold property things get more convoluted then if your solicitor leaves the firm on the same day that you are meant to exchange BUT DON’T then it becomes really stressful.

I also lost a good friend to suicide in March – which knocked me for six somewhat, and virtual funerals are a sad fact of the current times, but at least it was an option. Please visit if you need support for mental health for you or someone you know, or even to donate so they can continue to help everyone who needs it.

By the time I write my next ‘Scrapbook Loves’ post we’ll be in the new house, the kids will be at their new school, hurrah!

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