I used to have a huge collection of handbags. Now I have a growing collection of changing bags. but my newest addition LOOKS more like a handbag than a changing bag. Win win for this previously handbag obsession mama!
I was sent the Minnie Amelie bag in steel blue from Mia Tui, it has contrasting stitching and silver hardware. A long strap and shoulder straps mean it is pretty versatile (and can be hung on the buggy) and is waterproof inside and out (well tested in this recent weather!) Although it is on the larger side it isn’t actually very heavy when it is empty, and you can fit huge amounts into it! This was the perfect bag for us when we did an all day trip to London, as I managed to fit lunch and dinner for Athena into it, along with all the normal bits (nappies, wipes, spare outfit etc) AND my DSLR camera, purse, kindle, hairbrush and my mini-makeup bag. There is a larger size too, the Amelie which you would be able to fit even MORE into.
containing: baby bits, her lunch, my 17” laptop and Sam’s 10” tablet!
It has two insulated pockets inside, as well as a pen holder, a clip to attach to your keys and a couple of other pockets. On top of that there is an external pocket and two detachable bags. One is a clear one (the right size for your liquids on a flight) and the other is a matching clutch bag with a strap that you can use for important bits like your phone and passport should you be going travelling, or to nab for a quick trip to the shops… This would be the ideal bag for you to fit your important bits in for you and your baby on a flight as carry on baggage (it’s within the size limits,obviously.)
I have just booked a holiday away in November with two friends (we’re leaving the kids with the husbands!) and this will be my hand luggage as it easily fits my laptop and Camera in it. Last week we spent the week in Norfolk with Sam’s family, and clothes for 8 days for Athena fitted in here perfectly, all 6-9 month size including a couple of chunky jumpers! I emptied all the clothes out into piles whilst we were there and used the Minnie Amelie as our out and about bag, as we did a few day trips to see friends and family and it meant I could keep everything we needed for the whole day (food included) in one place! If I had to find something to change or improve (as I try and do with every review) I’d say it would benefit from a travel changing mat, although you can buy a fold out mat with pockets for nappies and wipes from Mia Tui separately which would easily fit in the bag!
You can view the full range of bags available on the website here, all my readers get a 15% discount online by entering the code above, or go for a browse at your local John Lewis!
I have heard nothing but good things about Mia Tui bag! Love the colour of that one! 🙂
That looks lovely, I’d have wanted one of these when mine were little!
It looks like a great bag. It is amazing how much stuff you need to take with you and baby isn’t it?! x
That is a good idea having somewhere to put your changing bag things that looks like a handbag.
Looks like an amazing bag!!! x
Wow, I would’ve loved a changing bag like that, it’s lovely x
Great size for a changing bag, it looks fantastic!
Looks like a great bag, perfect size!
I love the Mia Tui range, such great looking practical bags
I keep hearing very good things about the Mia Tui handbags – I’m going to have to have a look for myself x
They are fab bags aren’t they! I love my Ella.
I love the stylish, but unisex look of this bag. Would be great to encourage dads on the nappy trail!
It looks like a winner to me. Good, practical bag like this is a must have!
That is so nice, much prefer this colour too 🙂
I love bags I cant get enough of them .x
I have a new Mia Tui bag too and I am loving it, they are great!
That is one fab looking bag.
It really is a great bag. Enjoy!
I keep reading about these bags – even though I don’t have a baby any more, I feel like I need one of these bags – they seem to hold so much stuff!!
I recently posted: Winter #LittleAdventures – Fun In The Park!
looks great! I heard a lot about these bags! x
This looks lovely! I’m so pleased I’ve seen this as I’ve just ordered the Matilda Mae one! I love this colour!
Wow it fits a lot and I really like the look of it x