What the Kids Read: Alain Grée Ilustrated Encyclopedia

Alain Grée Illustrated Encyclopedia

We’re already huge fans of Alain Grée’s books and I have a new favourite! His Illustrated Encyclopedia that has just launched is just perfect for kids with a huge thirst for knowledge that are always asking questions! It’s a hard backed book packed full of facts, figures and most importantly illustrations in his signature style, with a retro feel as they’re original drawings and paintings from the sixties and seventies.

There are different sections covering all sorts of topics, from space to nature, with clear layouts and each item is labelled with a clear font in lower case – so perfect for kids like Athena who are just starting out with learning to read as they can recognise the letters easily.

Alain Grée Illustrated Encyclopedia

Athenas favourite section is the ‘In the forest’ pages, she’s really keen on being outdoors and loves her ‘forest school’ days at school, and has been telling me there are berries and ivy in the woods! She also enjoys looking at the ‘Home’ pages with the gorgeous cross-section of a house, with people in each of the rooms!

Alain Grée Illustrated Encyclopedia

Arlo loves the pages that are full of transportation especially the Boats and Ships pages and the Flight pages, with hot air balloons and lots of different types of planes, including a cross section of an airliner so he can see how it’s all laid out inside!

Alain Grée Illustrated Encyclopedia

You can see the full collection of Alain Grée’s books here on the Button Books website, but this one especially would make a lovely gift, and I really hope that we can look after it enough over the years to be able to pass it on to future generations!

I am giving away a copy too over on facebook, you just need to comment here and I’ll pick a winner on Sunday 26th November!


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